Task 1.3: Radiation measurements at Bjørnøya and Weather Station Mike

Objective: Update Bjørnøya and OWS Mike with modern instrumentation for radiative fluxes, to obtain a data set for the WP3 validation of EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Radiative Fluxes.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute operates synoptic meteorological stations at the islands Bjørnøya, Hopen and Jan Mayen. These stations are staffed to perform operational meteorological observations, with surface synoptic measurements and radio soundings. It is proposed to extend the observational programs at Bjørnøya  with radiative flux measurements by use of pyranometers and pyrgeometers. To achieve regularity throughout the project period some essential parts of the equipment will be duplicated and kept in reserve at the station. The observations performed will be utilised within WP 3, with focus on validation of EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Radiative Fluxes. The combination of surface synoptic meteorological observations and radio soundings represents a unique validation data set for radiative flux estimates as it opens for the potential use of RTMs (libRadtran) in the validation process.

Station M will also be equipped with instrumentation to measure surface downward shortwave and infrared radiative fluxes by use of pyranometers and pyrgeometers. Such measurements are almost nonexistent over ocean and will be used for calibration and validation purposes of both remote sensing products and for validation purposes of numerical models. To achieve reliable measurements the instruments must be gyro stabilized. In addition to the radiative flux measurements, equipment for measurements of the turbulent heat fluxes (latent and sensible heat) will be added to provide the surface energy budget at Station M. Both radiative and turbulent heat flux measurements will be utilized in combination with the existing meteorological and oceanographical observation programme at OWS MIKE. The observations performed will be utilised in within WP 3, with focus on validation of EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Radiative Fluxes and temporal changes in the heat advection of the Norwegian Atlantic Current. The combination of surface synoptic meteorological observations and radio soundings represents a unique validation data set for radiative flux estimates as it opens for the potential use of RTMs (libRadtran) in the validation process.