iAOOS Norway http://iaoos.no These are the search results for the query, showing results 241 to 255. KV Svalbard 2008 http://iaoos.no/no/prosjektbeskrivelse/feltarbeid/kv-svalbard-2008 Nyheter, artikler og bilder fra toktet med KV Svalbard i 2008. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-25T17:10:40Z Folder KV Svalbard 2007 http://iaoos.no/no/prosjektbeskrivelse/feltarbeid/kv-svalbard-2007 Nyheter, artikler og bilder fra toktet med KV Svalbard i 2007. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-19T14:13:37Z Folder Scientists involved http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway/scientists-involved Who are the scientists of iAOOS Norway? No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-09T15:43:49Z IPY Article Project summary http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway/project-summary iAOOS-Norway: Closing the loop is a contribution to an integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System, iAOOS. It builds on, and supplements, other ongoing components of iAOOS such as NABOS and DAMOCLES. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-02T12:25:35Z IPY Article Where is the research in iAOOS Norway taking place? http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway/entrance-by-geography The field work in iAOOS-Norway is located at the entrance/exit site of the Arctic Ocean, namely in the Fram Strait and in the Nordic Seas: we are "Closing the Loop". No publisher erlenahe 2010-03-11T15:53:46Z IPY Article Feltarbeid iAOOS http://iaoos.no/no/prosjektbeskrivelse/feltarbeid/feltarbeid-iaoos/entrance-by-geography The field work in iAOOS-Norway is located at the entrance/exit site of the Arctic Ocean, namely in the Fram Strait and in the Nordic Seas: we are "Closing the Loop". No publisher erlenahe 2009-05-12T11:00:36Z IPY Article Participating institutions http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway/participating-intstitutions iAOOS Norway is a collarboration between seven Norwegian institutes. No publisher erlenahe 2009-05-12T13:44:07Z IPY Article About the acronym iAOOS http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway/about-the-acronym-iaoos iAOOS is short for "integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System". iAOOS-Norway is art of an international effort to monitor the Arctic Ocean. No publisher erlenahe 2009-05-12T13:43:06Z IPY Article About iAOOS Norway http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/about-iaoos-norway More information about the project. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-23T09:21:24Z Folder Om iAOOS http://iaoos.no/no/prosjektbeskrivelse No publisher erlenahe 2010-07-30T13:50:53Z Folder Work packages http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/work-packages iAOOS Norway is divided into five work packages (WPs). See reports and milestones for progress. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-19T15:02:15Z Folder Publications http://iaoos.no/en/en-testitem1/publications List of publications from iAOOS Norway. No publisher erlenahe 2009-03-19T15:34:36Z Folder iAOOS – rapport for 2008 http://iaoos.no/no/no-testitem1/fersk-rapport-om-klimastatus-i-arktis (19.02.09) Rapporten gir en oversikt over den internasjonale iAOOS-forskningen i 2008 - en betydelig internasjonal innsats ikke minst takket være iAOOS-Norge. No publisher erlenahe iAOOS-internasjonalt 2009-05-08T13:45:59Z IPY Article Alarmerende endringer http://iaoos.no/no/no-testitem1/iaoos-norge-i-nyhetene/alarmerende-endringer (20.01.09) - De beste klimamodellene fra FNs klimapanel er de som forutså de aller største endringene, sa prosjektleder Cecilie Mauritzen da hun oppsummerte iAOOS på en konferanse i Tromsø nylig. No publisher erlenahe 2009-04-03T09:42:52Z IPY Article iAOOS-forsker i ny strategigruppe for klimaforskning http://iaoos.no/no/no-testitem1/iaoos-norge-i-nyhetene/iaoos-forsker-med-i-ny-strategigruppe-for-klimaforskning (10.12.08) Regjeringen har opprettet en nasjonal plattform for klimaforskning, kalt Klima 21. Forsker Marit Reigstad ved Universitetet i Tromsø skal være med i gruppen som skal utarbeide en strategi for arbeidet. No publisher erlenahe 2009-04-03T09:47:26Z IPY Article