12 to 16 October 2009, World Climate Conference-3: Predicting Weather and Climate for a Changing World, WMO, Geneva.
November 17-20, Trieste, Italy Conference: on Teleconnections in the Atmosphere and Oceans
November 4-6, Tokyo, Japan Conference First International Symposium on the Arctic Research
(ISAR-1), Drastic change under the Global Warming.September 29-October 3, EMS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
September 22-26, ECMWF, Computer Training Course: Use of supercomputing resources
June 30, 2008, Dead line, ECMWF SP progress report.
June 23-24, EC-Earth meeting, Reading/ECMWF.
June 26, 2008, Short project meeting, CIENS, Oslo.
June 11-13, 2008, ECMWF, Forecast Products - Users Meeting
March 10-12: ECMWF, Training Course: Use & interpretation of ECMWF Products (see also: June 2-6)
April, 13-18, 2008, EGU, Vienna, Austria.
January 25, 2008, Short project meeting, CIENS, Oslo.
January 11, 2008, Short project meeting, CIENS, Oslo.
Dec. 3-4, 2007, EC-EARTH meeting, Dublin.
Oct. 1, 2007, Annual report through eRapport.
Sept. 3rd, 2007, Project meeting: CIENS, 3rd level 'Castellanus' room for 10.00-15.00
31. Aug 2007: Tidsfrist for søknad om regnetid i Trondheim - generell informasjon og søknadsskjema.
29-31 Aug 2007 Bergen, Norway: Polar Dynamics: Monitoring, Understanding, and Prediction (Open science conference). Session I-A: Large scale atmosphere and ocean circulation dynamics in high latitudes; Session II-A: Small- and mesoscale dynamics and air/sea/ice processes; Session III-A: High latitude biogeochemical cycles; Session IV-A: Coupling between high and low latitudes; Session V-A: Advances in high latitude monitoring, weather forecast, and climate prediction
June 13-15, ECMWF, Forecast Products - Users Meeting
June 04-08, WCRP Workshop on Seasonal Prediction, Barcelona, for the Seasonal Model Intercomparison Project (SMIP) Spain (Deadline for abstract submission: 25 May 2007), SPAR PowerPoint presentation (Barcelona June 2007)
30 Apr 2007: Request for Special Computer Projects.
15-20 Apr 2007, Vienna (A), EGU General Assembly, DL: 15 Jan 2007 [session: CL2 Monthly, seasonal and decadal forecasting (co-listed in NP & AS)]
April 23rd, 2007, Project meeting.
20-23 Apr 2007, Seattle, Washington: Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW), DL: January 12, 2007.
16-24 April, ECMWF: Predictability, diagnostics & seasonal forecasting
30 Mar 2007: Tidsfrist for søknad om regnetid i Trondheim - generell informasjon og søknadsskjema.
6-7 Feb 2007, Lillehammer: forskerkonferanse for NORKLIMA
29 Jan - 2 Feb 2007, ECMWF, Reading, UK: Third International Workshop on Verification Methods (WMO/WCRP/COST), DL: Nov. 2006
29 Jan-2 Feb 2007, Riederalp, Switzerland: ENSEMBLES RT8 Workshop on "Extreme Climate Events and Impacts", DL: 8.12.2006
10 Jan 2007, 10:00-13:00: Kick-off meeting: CIENS, 4.etg., small meeting room.
Oppdatert: January 11, 2008