Cecilie Mauritzen |
Edmond Hansen project co-leader; NPI Edmond's scientific interest is focused on the Arctic freshwater budget, with emphasis on the export of sea ice and liquid freshwater through Fram Strait. Under iAOOS-Norway this work is taken one step further through wintertime cruises and by extending the freshwater monitoring instrumentation in Fram Strait. After work freshwater is best for fishing. A major interest is fishing at sea and in mountain lakes. The old but faithful fishing boat "Kvitnos" is frequently accompanying Edmond around in the archipelago of Northern Norway. |
Kjell Arild Orvik UiB |
Øystein Skagseth Havforskningsinstituttet |
Paul Wassmann NFH |
Marit Reistad NFH Marit Reigstad is a marine biologist with interest for carbon cycling. She has focused on vertical export of carbon and regulating mechanisms involved through physical environment and the lower trophic levels of the food web. She has her PhD from the University of Tromsø on dynamics of plankton communities and vertical export in sub-Arctic fjords in 2000, and since then moved focus north to the Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean and the Fram Strait. She is employed as a researcher at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø. |
Frank Nilsen UNIS Frank achieved his PhD in oceanography in 2001 at the University of Bergen, whick is his home town, when he defended his thesis at the Geophysical Institute. The topic of his thesis was currents and horizontal eddies trapped over sloping sea floor, which he continued to study in his following research, and is the reason for being a partner in iAOOS-Norway - with research focus on the West Spitsbergen Current along the West Spitsbergen Slope. Frank is an Associate Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and have held this position since 2001. He says he really enjoys living in Longyearbyen and Svalbard, were opportunities for great outdoor adventures are many, especially together with his three Alaskan Malamutes. |
Sebastian Gerland NPI |
Harald Schyberg met.no Harald works in the Research and Development Division, Section for Remote Sensing - in the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. His fields of expertise are dynamical meteorology; satellite measurements of atmosphere and sea ice; mathematical and statistical methods; data assimilation. |
Vigdis Tverberg NPI Employed as a project researcher at the Norwegian Polar Institute, currently on the NFR project MariClim. And will be working in iAOOS in 2009 and 2010 as leader of Task 3.4 and 3.10, focusing on process experiments related to the mixing of Arctic and Atlantic water masses. |
Lena Seuthe NFH Lena is a marine biologist with interest for biological carbon cycling. Her work focuses on heterotrophic protists (mainly ciliates and dinoflagellates) as important grazers on phytoplankton as well as prey for copepods in Arctic marine ecosystems. She has her Masters from the University of Kiel on the vertical export of biogenic matter under land-fast ice in Franklin Bay/ Canada in 2004. She is employd as a PhD fellow at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø. In the framework of iAOOS Norway, Lena is working on the trophic role of heterotrophic protists in the western Fram Strait. |
Jens Debernard met.no |
Ingunn Burud met.no Ingunn will be working on work package 2: Operational ocean and sea ice monitoring and forecasting system. In particular working on assimilation of ocean and sea ice data into the numerical ocean model in order to improve its initial conditions and hence the forecast. The plan is to assimilate both existant data from satellites (sea surface temperature and sea ice drift) and new in situ data obtained during the polar year period (buoys and gliders). |
Øystein Godøy met.no Øystein has a background in meteorology and oceanography from University of Bergen. He has been working with remote sensing techniques at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute since 1994. In recent years he has been increasingly involved in data management activities e.g. for the EU project DAMOCLES and in operational data access during IPY. When not enjoying life with family or looking for software bugs, he is listening for good music and is a member of the team arranging NATTJAZZ in Bergen. |
Ole Nøst NPI |
Christian W. Riser NFH |
Frode Høydalsvik |
Thomas Lavergne NFH |
Morten Køltzow NFH |
Yoshie Kasajima NFH Yoshie is a post doc at Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. Her task at iAOOS project is to monitor the Atlantic Water inflow to the Nordic Seas and to investigate the temporal/spatial variation of the inflow, frontal structure and mixing processes in the area together with Kjell Arild Orvik. |
Sigurd Henrik Teigen Unis Sigurd is a PhD student at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). Frank Nilsen (UNIS) is his main supervisor. Sigurd's research project is focused on investigating the presence of vortices generated by barotropic instability in the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC). Furthermore, the aim is to quantify the heat loss due to eddy activity and finally to address the forcing of the WSC. |
Paul Dodd NPI Paul plans to investigate the fate of freshwater which passes through Fram Strait using a combination of hydrographic and tracer measurements collected within the iAOSS-Norway project. He is currently looking at temperate and salinity data collected by miniature CTDs attached to seals that relay data by satellite in near real-time. This novel data allows freshwater to be studied away from traditional hydrographic sections and in a variety of seasons. Paul began working with iAOOS-norway in January 2008 after finishing his PhD at the University of East Anglia the previous autumn. |
Stephen Hudson NPI Stephen's work focuses on the interaction of solar radiation with the cryosphere. His work on iAOOS-Norway involves the radiative impacts of sea ice in the Fram Strait. This work focuses on improving our understanding of processes involved in the sea-ice-albedo feedback. Stephen completed his PhD at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, in October 2007. He began working with iAOOS-Norway as a postdoc at the Norwegian Polar Institute in January 2008. |
Inger-Lise Aasen UiO Inger-Lise is a master student in meteorology and oceanography. She has Cecilie as her supervisor, and in her master thesis she will write about the heat budget in the Arctic. |
Our friends at the Poleward project | |
JoeLaCasce project leader Poleward; UiO Joe did his degree in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in physical oceanography and his post-doc at IFREMER in France, studying Lagrangian statistics. He then worked for four years at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In 2002 he moved to Norway and started working at met.no. He is now a professor of dynamical meteorology at UiO, and the project manager of POLEWARD - a Lagrangian-based oceanographic experiment, meaning that it will center around free-drifting buoys rather than fixed measurement sites. The main goal is to measure directly how the warm water flowing in from the North Atlantic mixes laterally offshore, into the Nordic Seas. |
Inga Koszalka UiO |