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Snow cover from optical sensors

Development of these products has been supported by Norsk romsenter.

Optical sensors are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in the visible, near-infrered and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Radiation at these wavelengths are strongly affected by the atmosphere, either through clouds or through water vapor etc. The main challenge is to differentiate between clouds and sea ice/snow as these surfaces have similar radiometric signatures.

The products shown below are updated on a daily basis although production is continous. Processing is done in a test system which may be unavailable in periods.

Passage products as well as time integrated products are made available.

Product samples

Show AVHRR RGB for a single satellite pass

Show NWCSAF PPS cloud mask information for the satellite pass

Show the probability for snow for the satellite pass

Show the time integrated probability for snow

Show the time integrated snow classification of probabilities

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Qualitative evaluation was done in 2009, 2010 and 2011. These revealed that single satellite passages have some noise in the coastal zone and over large lakes.Depending on observation geometry, layered clouds may also be misclassified. Some of the problems encountered were caused by degrading satellites in the evaluation period. A sample of this is shown by NOAA-17 data from 2010-04-29 09:31 UTC. The left panel shows the probability product and the right panel the RGB product.

Sample of technical problems affecting the quality of the product. This is a sample using NOAA-17 data from 2010-04-29 09:31 UTC locally received in Oslo. This particular sample is not affected by communication problems, but scan engine failure onboard the satellite.
Probability of snow RGB-composite of AVHRR channels 1, 2 and 4.
Probability for snow RGB-composite

Snow cover from AVHRR GAC

The movie below shows snow cover extracted from AVHRR GAC data using the same algorithm as above.