
Cicerone og Cicerone's RegClim-sider
Cicero - Senter for klimaforskning
NoSerC (Norwegian Service Sentre for Climate Modelling)
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
IPCC - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
DMI - Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
SWECLIM - Swedish Regional Climate Modelling Program
NCAR-CSM (Community Climate System Model)
NorKlima (Norges forskningsråd)
NOClim - Norwegian Ocean and Climate Project
NORPAST - Past Climates of the Norwegian Region
COZUV - Coordinated Ozone and UV project
NOAA, USA - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases Group (CCGG)

Flere lenker finnes under Institusjoner og Samarbeid.