This class can be used to describe a list of spatial units in an efficient textual way.
- UNIT: see udunit, compatible with degree or m: default: m
- RELVALUE: float-number
- RELVALUES: comma-separated list of values with possible ... extension, ... meaning continuation of the difference of the previous two values 0 is the first time in the original time-axis, x is the last time-value in the original time-axis
A SpatialAxisSpec consists of at least of values:
- axisspec := VALUES[;unit=UNIT] | RELVALUES;relativeStart=VALUE[;unit=UNIT]
relativeStart will reset the relative value 0 to the first value larger than x0 (original start time) with x0 = i * (v1-v0)* unit with i being a integer.
axisspec = -450000,-400000,...,50000
timespec = -50,0,...,x,x+50;relativeStart=17;unit=km
- Warning
- The 'unit' parameter is currently not supported, please enter values as m or degree
the RELVALUES currently must be in m, degree not supported (yet?)