MI - Fimex
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
MetNoFimex Namespace Reference


class  AlbersConicalEqualAreaProjection
class  AltitudeConverterToHeightConverter
class  AltitudeStandardToPressureConverter
class  AtmosphereSigma
 Sigma pressure vertical coordinate. More...
class  AzimuthalEquidistantProjection
class  C_CDMReader
class  CachedInterpolation
class  CachedInterpolationInterface
class  CachedVectorReprojection
class  CDM
 Data structure of the Common Data Model. More...
class  CDMAttribute
class  CDMBorderSmoothing
class  CDMBorderSmoothing_Linear
class  CDMBorderSmoothing_LinearFactory
class  CDMDimension
class  CDMException
class  CDMExtractor
class  CDMFileReaderFactory
class  CDMInterpolator
class  CDMMerger
struct  CDMNameCompare
class  CDMNamedEntity
class  CDMNameEqual
class  CDMNameEqualPtr
class  CDMOverlay
class  CDMPressureConversions
class  CDMProcessor
class  CDMQualityExtractor
 Extract data with defined quality status. More...
class  CDMReader
 Basic interface for CDM reading and manipulation classes. More...
class  CDMReaderWriter
class  CDMTimeInterpolator
class  CDMVariable
class  CDMVerticalInterpolator
 Interpolation of vertical layers. More...
class  CDMWriter
class  ChangeMissingValue
struct  CompleteCoordinateSystemForComparator
class  CoordinateAxis
class  CoordinateSystem
class  CoordinateSystemSliceBuilder
class  CrossSectionDefinition
class  Data
class  DataIndex
class  DataTypeChanger
class  FillWriter
class  FimexTime
class  GeopotentialToAltitudeConverter
class  GribApiCDMWriter
class  GribCDMReader
class  GribFileIndex
class  GribFileMessage
class  GribFileMessageEqualLevelTime
 Functor to find messages with equal level and time. More...
class  GribFileMessageEqualTime
 Functor to find Messages with equal time. More...
class  GridDefinition
class  Height
class  HeightConverterToAltitudeConverter
class  HybridSigmaApToPressureConverter
class  HybridSigmaPressure1
 Hybrid sigma pressure vertical coordinate, expressed with ap and b. More...
class  HybridSigmaPressure2
 Hybrid sigma pressure vertical coordinate, expressed with a and b. More...
class  HybridSigmaToPressureConverter
class  Identity4DToVLevelConverter
class  IdentityToVLevelConverter
class  IndexedData
class  InterpolatorCreepFill2d
class  InterpolatorCreepFillVal2d
class  InterpolatorFill2d
class  InterpolatorProcess2d
class  LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection
class  LambertConformalConicProjection
class  LambertCylindricalEqualAreaProjection
class  LatitudeLongitudeProjection
class  LnPressure
 Hybrid sigma pressure vertical coordinate, expressed with ap andb. More...
class  LnPressureToPressureConverter
class  Logger
class  LoggerClass
class  LoggerImpl
class  MercatorProjection
class  MetGmCDMReader
class  MetGmCDMWriter
class  NcmlCDMReader
class  NetCDF_CDMReader
class  NetCDF_CDMWriter
class  Null_CDMWriter
struct  null_deleter
class  OceanSCoordinateGToDepthConverter
class  OceanSG1
class  OceanSG2
class  OrthographicProjection
class  PolarStereographicProjection
class  Pressure
 Pressure class for vertical transformation. More...
class  PressureIntegrationToAltitudeConverter
class  PressureToStandardAltitudeConverter
class  Projection
class  ProjectionImpl
struct  ReducedInterpolationDomain
class  ReplaceStringObject
class  ReplaceStringTemplateObject
class  ReplaceStringTimeObject
class  RotatedLatitudeLongitudeProjection
class  ScaleValue
class  ScaleValueUnits
struct  SharedArrayConstCastDeleter
class  SigmaToPressureConverter
class  SliceBuilder
class  SpatialAxisSpec
struct  staticCast
class  StereographicProjection
class  TimeSpec
class  TimeUnit
class  ToVLevelConverter
class  TransverseMercatorProjection
class  UnitException
class  Units
class  UnitsConverter
class  UnknownToFgdcProjection
struct  Varargs
class  VerticalPerspectiveProjection
class  VerticalTransformation
class  WdbCDMReader
class  XMLDoc
class  XMLInput
class  XMLInputDoc
class  XMLInputFile
class  XMLInputString
class  XMLInputURL


typedef boost::shared_ptr< CDMBorderSmoothingCDMBorderSmoothingPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CDMMergerCDMMergerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CDMOverlayCDMOverlayPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DataDataPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LoggerLoggerPtr
typedef long epoch_seconds
typedef boost::shared_ptr< xmlXPathObjectXPathObjPtr


enum  CDMDataType {


 MIFI_DEPRECATED (std::vector< CDMAttribute > projStringToAttributes(std::string projStr))
 convert a proj4 string to a list of CDMAttributes usable for CF-1.0 projection variable More...
 MIFI_DEPRECATED (std::string attributesToProjString(const std::vector< CDMAttribute > &attrs))
 convert attributes of a projection-variable to a projString More...
CDMDataType string2datatype (const std::string &s)
 translate float/string/... to the appropriate CDMDataType More...
std::string datatype2string (CDMDataType type)
boost::shared_array< float > data2InterpolationArray (const DataPtr &inData, double badValue)
DataPtr interpolationArray2Data (CDMDataType newType, boost::shared_array< float > iData, size_t size, double badValue)
boost::posix_time::ptime getUniqueForecastReferenceTime (boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > reader)
std::vector< double > getDataSliceInUnit (const boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > &reader, const std::string &var, const std::string &unit, int unLimDimPos)
std::size_t estimateCDMDataSize (const CDM &cdm)
bool compareCDMVarShapes (const CDM &cdm1, const std::string &varName1, const CDM &cdm2, const std::string &varName2)
std::string findUniqueDimVarName (const CDM &cdm, std::string baseVar)
void generateProjectionCoordinates (boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > &reader)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, CoordinateAxis ca)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, CoordinateAxis::AxisType t)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const CoordinateSystem &p)
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > > listCoordinateSystems (boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > reader)
void enhanceVectorProperties (boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > reader)
 MIFI_DEPRECATED (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > > listCoordinateSystems(CDM &cdm))
 MIFI_DEPRECATED (std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > > listCoordinateSystems(const CDM &cdm))
int findBestHorizontalCoordinateSystems (bool withProjection, boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > reader, std::map< std::string, boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > > &systems, std::map< std::string, std::string > &variables, std::vector< std::string > &incompatibleVariables)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const Projection &proj)
std::string replaceProj4Earthfigure (const std::string &proj4, const std::string &newEarthfigure)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const VerticalTransformation &vt)
DataPtr createData (CDMDataType datatype, size_t length, double val=0)
 create a Data-pointer of the datatype More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< double > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_DOUBLE More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< float > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_FLOAT More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< int > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_INT More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< short > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_SHORT More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< char > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_CHAR More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< unsigned int > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UINT More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< long long > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_INT64 More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< unsigned long long > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UINT64 More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< unsigned short > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_USHORT More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< unsigned char > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UCHAR More...
DataPtr createData (size_t length, boost::shared_array< std::string > array)
 create a Data-pointer of type CDM_STRINGS More...
template<class InputIterator >
DataPtr createData (CDMDataType datatype, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 create a Data-pointer of the datatype and fill with the data from the iterator More...
DataPtr createDataSlice (CDMDataType datatype, const Data &data, size_t dataStartPos, size_t dataSize)
 create a one-dimensional dataslice from another Data object More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const GribFileMessage &gfm)
 outputstream for a GribFileMessage More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const GribFileIndex &gfm)
 outputstream for a GribFileIndex More...
GridDefinition::Orientation gribGetGridOrientation (boost::shared_ptr< grib_handle > gh)
unsigned long gribStepUnits2seconds (const std::string &stepUnits)
std::string gribSeconds2stepUnits (unsigned long seconds)
Logger::LogLevel defaultLogLevel ()
void defaultLogLevel (Logger::LogLevel)
LoggerPtr getLogger (const std::string &className)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &os, const SliceBuilder &sb)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const FimexTime &fTime)
 minimum FimexTime More...
FimexTime string2FimexTime (const std::string &str) throw (CDMException)
void handleUdUnitError (int unitErrCode, const std::string &message="") throw (UnitException)
int round (double num)
std::string trim (const std::string &str)
template<class InputIterator >
std::string join (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, std::string delim=",")
template<typename InputIterator >
std::pair< typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type > find_closest_distinct_elements (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, double x)
template<typename InputIterator >
std::pair< typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type > find_closest_neighbor_distinct_elements (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, double x)
template<class InputIterator >
std::string joinPtr (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, std::string delim=",")
std::vector< std::stringtokenize (const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiters=" ")
std::string string2lowerCase (const std::string &str)
template<typename T >
std::string type2string (T in)
std::string type2string< double > (double in)
template<typename T >
string2type (std::string s)
template<typename T >
normalizeLongitude180 (T in)
epoch_seconds posixTime2epochTime (const boost::posix_time::ptime &time)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > tokenizeDotted (const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiter=",") throw (CDMException)
template<typename C >
int mifi_isnan (C x)
void scanFiles (std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &dir, int depth, const boost::regex &regexp, bool matchFileOnly)
void globFiles (std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &glob)
template<typename T >
boost::shared_array< const T > makeSharedArrayConst (const boost::shared_array< T > &sa)
std::string getXmlProp (const xmlNodePtr node, const std::string &attrName)
std::string getXmlName (const xmlNodePtr node)
std::string getXmlContent (const xmlNodePtr node)
 get all text-contents of the node or underlying nodes More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<CDMMerger> MetNoFimex::CDMMergerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<CDMOverlay> MetNoFimex::CDMOverlayPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Data> MetNoFimex::DataPtr

Pointer to Data, this is the preferred way to access Data

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Logger> MetNoFimex::LoggerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<xmlXPathObject> MetNoFimex::XPathObjPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

Be aware that the CDM_CHAR datatype maps to NC_BYTE, while the CDM_STRING maps to NC_CHAR


Function Documentation

bool MetNoFimex::compareCDMVarShapes ( const CDM cdm1,
const std::string varName1,
const CDM cdm2,
const std::string varName2 

check if the shapes of two variables (eventually belonging to two different CDMs) have the same sizes. Dimensions of size 1 are ignored.

cdm1first CDM
varName1first variable-name
cdm2second CDM
varName2second variable-name

Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( CDMDataType  datatype,
size_t  length,
double  val = 0 

create a Data-pointer of the datatype

lengthof the data array
valdefault value for data elements, 0 by default
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype

Referenced by createData().

DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< double >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_DOUBLE

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< float >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_FLOAT

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< int >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_INT

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< short >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_SHORT

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< char >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_CHAR

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< unsigned int >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UINT

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< long long >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_INT64

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< unsigned long long >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UINT64

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< unsigned short >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_USHORT

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< unsigned char >  array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_UCHAR

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( size_t  length,
boost::shared_array< std::string array 

create a Data-pointer of type CDM_STRINGS

lengthof the data array
arraythe data array
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype
template<class InputIterator >
DataPtr MetNoFimex::createData ( CDMDataType  datatype,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

create a Data-pointer of the datatype and fill with the data from the iterator

firststart of container containing the data to fill the array with
lastend (excluded) of the container containing the data to fill the array with
Base-Class ptr of the DataImpl belonging to the datatype

References CDM_CHAR, CDM_DOUBLE, CDM_FLOAT, CDM_INT, CDM_INT64, CDM_NAT, CDM_SHORT, CDM_UCHAR, CDM_UINT, CDM_UINT64, CDM_USHORT, std::copy(), createData(), and std::distance().

DataPtr MetNoFimex::createDataSlice ( CDMDataType  datatype,
const Data data,
size_t  dataStartPos,
size_t  dataSize 

create a one-dimensional dataslice from another Data object

datatypeof the return-data
datathe data to read the values from, should be convertible data-format
dataStartPosthe first element of data to fetch
dataSizethe size of the data
boost::shared_array<float> MetNoFimex::data2InterpolationArray ( const DataPtr inData,
double  badValue 

convert the data inplace to an array useful for interpolation (i.e. badValue->nan)

std::string MetNoFimex::datatype2string ( CDMDataType  type)
Logger::LogLevel MetNoFimex::defaultLogLevel ( )

the defaultLogLevel can be used by the implemented logger to determine the minimum LogLevel. This value might be ignored/overwritten by a configuration within the implementation. It should be initialized in the main class.

void MetNoFimex::defaultLogLevel ( Logger::LogLevel  )
void MetNoFimex::enhanceVectorProperties ( boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader reader)

set spatial-vector properties according to convention won't overwrite any existing spatial vector properties


Referenced by MetNoFimex::CoordinateSystem::~CoordinateSystem().

std::size_t MetNoFimex::estimateCDMDataSize ( const CDM cdm)

return estimated size of CDM-data in bytes

Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

template<typename InputIterator >
std::pair<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type, typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type> MetNoFimex::find_closest_distinct_elements ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
double  x 

Find closest distinct elements in an unordered list. The order of elements is not defined.

Except for the case where all elements are equal, it is always ensured that the neighbors are distinct.

pair of the positions of a and b, with a closer than b

References distance().

Referenced by find_closest_neighbor_distinct_elements().

template<typename InputIterator >
std::pair<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type, typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type> MetNoFimex::find_closest_neighbor_distinct_elements ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
double  x 

Find closest distinct neighbor elements in an unordered list, with a <= x < b It might extrapolate if x is smaller than all elements (or x > all elements) and fall back to find_closest_distinct_elements()

Except for the case where all elements are equal, it is always ensured that the neighbors are distinct.

pair of the positions of a and b, with a closer than b

References distance(), find_closest_distinct_elements(), and std::numeric_limits< _Tp >::max().

int MetNoFimex::findBestHorizontalCoordinateSystems ( bool  withProjection,
boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader reader,
std::map< std::string, boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > > &  systems,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  variables,
std::vector< std::string > &  incompatibleVariables 

find all horizontal coordinate systems, either with or without projections, list the variables belonging to the coordinate systems and mention all incompatible variables with a coordinate system

withProjectionselect only horizontal coordinatesystems either with (true) or without (false) projection
readerthe CDMReader to search coordinate systems in, comparable to listCoordinateSystems()
systemsOutput of coordinateSystems (horizontalId -> system)
variablesOutput with all variables having a horizontal coordinate system
incompatibleVariablesOutput with a all variables which have a partial horizontal coordinate system which might interfere when changing dimensions
number of horizontal coordinate systems found, i.e. systems.size()

Referenced by MetNoFimex::CoordinateSystem::~CoordinateSystem().

std::string MetNoFimex::findUniqueDimVarName ( const CDM cdm,
std::string  baseVar 

find a unique variable and dimension name, starting with baseVar

baseVarthe basic variable name
a st

Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

void MetNoFimex::generateProjectionCoordinates ( boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > &  reader)

generate projection coordinates if they don't exist for a coordinate system

Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

std::vector<double> MetNoFimex::getDataSliceInUnit ( const boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader > &  reader,
const std::string var,
const std::string unit,
int  unLimDimPos 

This is the same function as CDMReader::getScaledDataSliceInUnit, but it converts the data to a vector<double>.


Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

LoggerPtr MetNoFimex::getLogger ( const std::string className)

Retrieve a logger for Fimex. It will use loggers in the following order, skipping to the next one if the current one is not available: 1) log4cxx 2) no/dummy logger

boost::posix_time::ptime MetNoFimex::getUniqueForecastReferenceTime ( boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader reader)

Try to find the forecast reference time of the reader. This has currently only be implemented for CF-1.x.

readerthe CDMReader to check for the reference time
the reference time
CDMExceptionif eithern no reference time has been found, or if more than 1 different reference times have been found

Referenced by MetNoFimex::null_deleter::operator()().

std::string MetNoFimex::getXmlContent ( const xmlNodePtr  node)

get all text-contents of the node or underlying nodes

nodethe xmlNodePtr or xmlNodePtr as list
string with text-content, or ""
std::string MetNoFimex::getXmlName ( const xmlNodePtr  node)

a memory-save form of xmlGetName

a string of the attribute, "" if attribute doesn't exist
std::string MetNoFimex::getXmlProp ( const xmlNodePtr  node,
const std::string attrName 

a memory-save form of xmlGetProp

a string of the attribute, "" if attribute doesn't exist
void MetNoFimex::globFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  files,
const std::string glob 

Similar to scanFiles, but uses glob instead, with * matches everything within a file or directory-name, ? matches exactly one character (not /), and ** match everything even across multiple directories.

filesoutput list of files
globthe file/directory glob to match, glob-wildcards are *, ** and ?

Referenced by mifi_isnan().

GridDefinition::Orientation MetNoFimex::gribGetGridOrientation ( boost::shared_ptr< grib_handle >  gh)

get the orientation of the data

std::string MetNoFimex::gribSeconds2stepUnits ( unsigned long  seconds)

find the largest unit covering the seconds, i.e. the opposite of gribStepUnits2seconds()

unsigned long MetNoFimex::gribStepUnits2seconds ( const std::string stepUnits)

convert the stepUnits to seconds, i.e. D (day) = 60*60*24

this method is not highly accurate for stepUnits >= month due to missing calendar support (month = 30days, year = 365 days)
void MetNoFimex::handleUdUnitError ( int  unitErrCode,
const std::string message = "" 
throw (UnitException
DataPtr MetNoFimex::interpolationArray2Data ( CDMDataType  newType,
boost::shared_array< float >  iData,
size_t  size,
double  badValue 

convert the data from an interpolation-array (with NaNs) to one used as DataPtr, e.g. correct datatype and badvalue/fillvalue

template<class InputIterator >
std::string MetNoFimex::join ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
std::string  delim = "," 

Join values from an iterator to a string, using delimiter as separator.

delimseparator, default to ","

References std::basic_ostringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::str().

template<class InputIterator >
std::string MetNoFimex::joinPtr ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
std::string  delim = "," 

Join values from an iterator of pointers to a string, using delimiter as separator.

delimseparator, default to ","

References std::basic_ostringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::str(), string2lowerCase(), and tokenize().

std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<const CoordinateSystem> > MetNoFimex::listCoordinateSystems ( boost::shared_ptr< CDMReader reader)

fetch all coordinate system from a MetNoFimex::CDMReader

readerthe data-source. Depending on the internal structure of the datasource, the source might be manipulated, i.e. the WRF-system is missing several variables.
since this function might change the CDM of the reader, it is usually a good idea to run this function before copying the readers CDM, e.g.
vector<boost::shared_ptr<const CoordinateSystem> > css = listCoordinateSystems(reader);
CDM cdm = reader.getCDM();

Referenced by mifi_cdm_reader::mifi_cdm_reader(), and MetNoFimex::CoordinateSystem::~CoordinateSystem().

template<typename T >
boost::shared_array<const T> MetNoFimex::makeSharedArrayConst ( const boost::shared_array< T > &  sa)

convert a shared_array<T> to a shared_array<const T> (which will be automatically possilbe in boost::shared_array 1.47)

MetNoFimex::MIFI_DEPRECATED ( std::vector< CDMAttribute >   projStringToAttributesstd::string projStr)

convert a proj4 string to a list of CDMAttributes usable for CF-1.0 projection variable

currently, projStrings of the form +proj=[stere] +lat_0=? +lon_0=? +lat_ts=?

use Projection::createByProj4() and Projection::getParameters()

Referenced by MetNoFimex::CDMAttribute::getDataType(), and MetNoFimex::CoordinateSystem::~CoordinateSystem().

MetNoFimex::MIFI_DEPRECATED ( std::string   attributesToProjStringconst std::vector< CDMAttribute > &attrs)

convert attributes of a projection-variable to a projString

use Projection::create() with Projection::getProj4String() instead
attrsattributes of the projection variable
proj4 string
MetNoFimex::MIFI_DEPRECATED ( std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > >   listCoordinateSystemsCDM &cdm)
MetNoFimex::MIFI_DEPRECATED ( std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< const CoordinateSystem > >   listCoordinateSystemsconst CDM &cdm)
template<typename C >
int MetNoFimex::mifi_isnan ( x)

template to declare isnan function in c++

same as C99 isnan pragma

References globFiles(), and scanFiles().

Referenced by MetNoFimex::ChangeMissingValue< IN, OUT >::operator()().

template<typename T >
T MetNoFimex::normalizeLongitude180 ( in)

normalize Longitude to be within [-180:180]

inlongitude in degree
longitude in degree within [-180:180]
std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
CoordinateAxis  ca 
std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
CoordinateAxis::AxisType  t 
std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
const Projection proj 

output-stream for projections, implemented using toString()

std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
const FimexTime fTime 

minimum FimexTime

std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
const SliceBuilder sb 
std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
const VerticalTransformation vt 
std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
const CoordinateSystem p 

output operator

std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
const GribFileMessage gfm 

outputstream for a GribFileMessage

std::ostream& MetNoFimex::operator<< ( std::ostream os,
const GribFileIndex gfm 

outputstream for a GribFileIndex

epoch_seconds MetNoFimex::posixTime2epochTime ( const boost::posix_time::ptime &  time)

convert a posixTime to seconds sinc 1970-01-01

timetime to convert
std::string MetNoFimex::replaceProj4Earthfigure ( const std::string proj4,
const std::string newEarthfigure 

helper function to replace the earth figure of the given proj4 string with a new earth-figure

proj4original proj-string
newEarthfigureearth-figure in proj-format, e.g. +ellps=sphere +R=6371000 +towgs84=0,0,0

Referenced by MetNoFimex::Projection::Projection().

int MetNoFimex::round ( double  num)

Round a double to integer.

void MetNoFimex::scanFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  files,
const std::string dir,
int  depth,
const boost::regex &  regexp,
bool  matchFileOnly 

Scan the filesystem for files matching the regexp. Can be used similar to 'glob' or 'find' commands. The files will be sorted alphabetically.

filesoutput list of files
dirthe input directory
depththe maximum number of directories to search (-1 is indefinite)
regexpthe regular expression to match the file or complete path
matchFileOnlyif true, the regexp will match the file-part only, if false, the complete path (behind dir) will be matched.

Referenced by mifi_isnan().

CDMDataType MetNoFimex::string2datatype ( const std::string s)

translate float/string/... to the appropriate CDMDataType

FimexTime MetNoFimex::string2FimexTime ( const std::string str)
throw (CDMException
std::string MetNoFimex::string2lowerCase ( const std::string str)

convert a string to lowercase

Referenced by joinPtr().

template<typename T >
T MetNoFimex::string2type ( std::string  s)
std::vector<std::string> MetNoFimex::tokenize ( const std::string str,
const std::string delimiters = " " 

Tokenize a string by a delimiter. This function will automaticall remove empty strings at the beginning or anywhere inside the string.

This function has been derived from http://www.oopweb.com/CPP/Documents/CPPHOWTO/Volume/C++Programming-HOWTO-7.html

strthe string to tokenize
delimitersthe delimiters between the tokens. That can be multiple delimiters, i.e. whitespace is " \t\n\r"
vector of tokens

Referenced by joinPtr(), and tokenizeDotted().

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> MetNoFimex::tokenizeDotted ( const std::string str,
const std::string delimiter = "," 
throw (CDMException

convert a string with dots to a vector with type T

strf.e. 3.5,4.5,...,17.5
delimiteroptional delimiter, defaults to ,

References std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::end(), std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::push_back(), std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::size(), tokenize(), trim(), and type2string().

std::string MetNoFimex::trim ( const std::string str)

Remove leading and trailing spaces.

strstring to trim

Referenced by tokenizeDotted().

template<typename T >
std::string MetNoFimex::type2string ( in)

convert a type (i.e. int, float) to string representation

References std::basic_ostringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::str(), and type2string< double >().

Referenced by tokenizeDotted().

std::string MetNoFimex::type2string< double > ( double  in)

specialization for high prececision

Referenced by type2string().