MI - Fimex
fimex is a command-line program. It has the following options:
usage: fimex --input.file FILENAME [--input.type INPUT_TYPE] [--output.file FILENAME | output.fillFile [--output.type OUTPUT_TYPE]] [--input.config CFGFILENAME] [--output.config CFGFILENAME] [--extract....] [--interpolate....] [--timeInterpolate....] Generic options: -h [ --help ] help message --version program version --debug debug program --print-options print all options -c [ --config ] arg (=fimex.cfg) configuration file Configurational options: --input.file arg input file --input.type arg filetype of input file, e.g. nc, nc4, ncml, felt, grib1, grib2, wdb --input.config arg non-standard input configuration --input.printNcML print NcML description of input file --input.printCS print CoordinateSystems of input file --output.file arg output file --output.fillFile arg output file, which should be filled --output.type arg filetype of output file, e.g. nc, nc4, grib1, grib2 --output.config arg non-standard output configuration --process.accumulateVariable arg accumulate variable along unlimited dimension --process.deaccumulateVariable arg deaccumulate variable along unlimited dimension --process.rotateVectorToLatLonX arg rotate this vector x component from grid-direction to latlon direction --process.rotateVectorToLatLonY arg rotate this vector x component from grid-direction to latlon direction --process.printNcML [=arg(=-)] print NcML description of process --process.printCS print CoordinateSystems of process --extract.removeVariable arg remove variables --extract.selectVariables arg select only those variables --extract.reduceDimension.name arg name of a dimension to reduce --extract.reduceDimension.start arg start position of the dimension to reduce (>=0) --extract.reduceDimension.end arg end position of the dimension to reduce --extract.reduceTime.start arg start-time as iso-string --extract.reduceTime.end arg end-time by iso-string --extract.reduceVerticalAxis.unit arg unit of vertical axis to reduce --extract.reduceVerticalAxis.start arg start value of vertical axis --extract.reduceVerticalAxis.end arg end value of the vertical axis --extract.reduceToBoundingBox.south arg geographical bounding-box in degree --extract.reduceToBoundingBox.north arg geographical bounding-box in degree --extract.reduceToBoundingBox.east arg geographical bounding-box in degree --extract.reduceToBoundingBox.west arg geographical bounding-box in degree --extract.printNcML print NcML description of extractor --extract.printCS print CoordinateSystems of extractor --qualityExtract.autoConfString arg configure the quality-assignment using CF-1.3 status-flag --qualityExtract.config arg configure the quality-assignment with a xml-config file --qualityExtract.printNcML print NcML description of extractor --qualityExtract.printCS print CoordinateSystems of extractor --interpolate.projString arg proj4 input string describing the new projection --interpolate.method arg interpolation method, one of nearestneighbor, bilinear, bicubic, coord_nearestneighbor, coord_kdtree, forward_min, forward_max, forward_mean, forward_median or forward_sum, forward_undef_min, forward_undef_max, forward_undef_mean, forward_undef_median or forward_undef_sum, --interpolate.xAxisValues arg string with values on x-Axis, use ... to continue, i.e. 10.5,11,...,29.5, see Fimex::SpatialAxisSpec for full definition --interpolate.yAxisValues arg string with values on x-Axis, use ... to continue, i.e. 10.5,11,...,29.5, see Fimex::SpatialAxisSpec for full definition --interpolate.xAxisUnit arg unit of x-Axis given as udunits string, i.e. m or degrees_east --interpolate.yAxisUnit arg unit of y-Axis given as udunits string, i.e. m or degrees_north --interpolate.latitudeName arg name for auto-generated projection coordinate latitude --interpolate.longitudeName arg name for auto-generated projection coordinate longitude --interpolate.preprocess arg add a 2d preprocess to before the interpolation, i.e. "fill2d(critx,cor,maxLoop)" --interpolate.latitudeValues arg string with latitude values in degree, i.e. 60.5,70,90 --interpolate.longitudeValues arg string with longitude values in degree, i.e. -10.5,-10.5,29.5 --interpolate.template arg netcdf file containing lat/lon list used in interpolation see Fimex::CDMInterpolator::changeProjection --interpolate.printNcML print NcML description of interpolator --interpolate.printCS print CoordinateSystems of interpolator --merge.inner.file arg inner file for merge --merge.inner.type arg filetype of inner merge file, e.g. nc, nc4, ncml, felt, grib1, grib2, wdb --merge.inner.config arg non-standard configuration for inner merge file --merge.inner.cfg arg recursive fimex.cfg setup-file to enable all fimex-processing steps (i.e. not input and output) to the merge.inner source before merging --merge.smoothing arg smoothing function for merge, e.g. "LINEAR(5,2)" for linear smoothing, 5 grid points transition, 2 grid points border --merge.keepOuterVariables keep all outer variables, default: only keep variables existing in inner and outer --merge.method arg interpolation method for grid conversions, one of nearestneighbor, bilinear, bicubic, coord_nearestneighbor, coord_kdtree, forward_min, forward_max, forward_mean, forward_median or forward_sum --merge.projString arg proj4 input string describing the new projection --merge.xAxisValues arg string with values on x-Axis, use ... to continue, i.e. 10.5,11,...,29.5, see Fimex::SpatialAxisSpec for full definition --merge.yAxisValues arg string with values on x-Axis, use ... to continue, i.e. 10.5,11,...,29.5, see Fimex::SpatialAxisSpec for full definition --merge.xAxisUnit arg unit of x-Axis given as udunits string, i.e. m or degrees_east --merge.yAxisUnit arg unit of y-Axis given as udunits string, i.e. m or degrees_north --merge.xAxisType arg (=double) datatype of x-axis (double,float,int,short) --merge.yAxisType arg (=double) datatype of y-axis --verticalInterpolate.type arg pressure, height or depth --verticalInterpolate.method arg linear, log or loglog interpolation --verticalInterpolate.level1 arg specification of first level, see Fimex::CDMVerticalInterpolator for a full definition --verticalInterpolate.level2 arg specification of second level, only required for hybrid levels, see Fimex::CDMVerticalInterpolator for a full definition --verticalInterpolate.dataConversion arg vertical data-conversion: theta2T, omega2vwind or add4Dpressure --verticalInterpolate.printNcML [=arg(=-)] print NcML description of extractor --verticalInterpolate.printCS print CoordinateSystems of vertical interpolator --timeInterpolate.timeSpec arg specification of times to interpolate to, see MetNoFimex::TimeSpec for a full definition --timeInterpolate.printNcML print NcML description of timeInterpolator --timeInterpolate.printCS print CoordinateSystems of timeInterpolator --ncml.config modify/configure with ncml-file --ncml.printNcML print NcML description after ncml-configuration --ncml.printCS print CoordinateSystems after ncml-configuration
All the configurational options can be configured using a configuration file which is supplied using the –config option. All command line options (CLO) will overwrite the config-file. As a rule of thump, use the CLO for testing and use the config-file for productive usage. The CLOs will be further explained in fimex Setup File.
# config file for program fimex [input] file=flth00.dat config=../share/etc/felt2nc_variables.xml type=felt [output] file=test.nc type=netcdf [extract] removeVariable=relative_humidity [extract.reduceDimension] name=x start=2 end=-2 [extract.reduceDimension] name=y start=2 end=-2 [interpolate] method = bilinear projString = +proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=-32 +lat_ts=60 +ellps=sphere +a=6371000 +e=0 xAxisValues = -500000,-450000,...,5000000 yAxisValues = -500000,-450000,...,5000000 xAxisUnit = m yAxisUnit = m [timeInterpolate] timeSpec = 0,3,...,x;relativeUnit=hours since 2001-01-01 10:00:00;unit=hours since 2007-05-16 00:00:00
The SpatialAxisSpec used in xAxisValues or yAxisValues for the spatial interpolation should be formatted as explained in detail in MetNoFimex::SpatialAxisSpec. It allows also autotuning to the orignal data-values.
The TimeSpec string used for the timeInterpolate should be formatted as explained in detail in MetNoFimex::TimeSpec.
Detailed information on the differnt configuration files can be found at: