Norwegian Service Centre for Climate Modelling -> Data Archive -> ERA-40




This dataset comprise data from the operational models at ECMWF. It is primarily intended as a prolongation of the ERA-40 dataset beyond 2002.

Currently, the ECMWF_OPER dataset cover the following data:

Geographical area Time period and
North Atlantic Ocean
40°N - 80°N, 30°W - 60°E
1°*1° geographical grid
2002 - 2004
Daily means
East/West surface stress (N m**-2 s)
Mean sea-level pressure (Pa)
North/South surface stress (N m**-2 s)
Surface latent heat flux (W m**-2 s)
Surface sensible heat flux (W m**-2 s)
Surface solar radiation downwards (W m**-2 s)
Surface solar radiation (W m**-2 s)
Surface thermal radiation (W m**-2 s)
10 metre U wind component (m s**-1)
10 metre V wind component (m s**-1)
40°N - 90°N, 180°W - 179.5°E
0.5°*0.5° geographical grid
2002 - 2004
6 hour
10 metre U wind component (m s**-1)
10 metre V wind component (m s**-1)
2 metre temperature (K)
Convective precipitation (m)
Stratiform precipitation (Large scale precipitation) (m)
Mean sea-level pressure (Pa)
Specific humidity (kg kg**-1)
Surface latent heat flux (W m**-2 s)
Surface sensible heat flux (W m**-2 s)
Surface solar radiation downwards (W m**-2 s)
Surface solar radiation (W m**-2 s)
Sea surface temperature (K)
Surface thermal radiation (W m**-2 s)
Total cloud cover (none)


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